When you neglect your oral health, problems can develop quickly. Poor oral health can lead to decay, tooth erosion, oral infections, or gum disease. As these problems escalate, you could start losing your teeth! Through full mouth reconstruction, Dr. Jeff Bue, Dr. Julie Chang, and your Winslow, Maine, dental team can turn your oral health around to save your smile. If you need major dental care, Kennebec Dental Excellence is here to help. These FAQs explain more about full mouth reconstruction treatment.
Full mouth reconstruction is designed for people who have severe problems with their oral health and need comprehensive treatment to restore the health of their mouth and the quality of their smiles. These issues may include severe decay, infections, damaged or crooked teeth, missing teeth, or gum disease. We may use a combination of restorative, cosmetic, surgical, and implant dentistry solutions to get the job done.
Full mouth reconstruction helps resolve serious dental issues caused by poor oral care, age-related wear and tear, poor dental genetics, or accidental injuries. These problems may include worn or damaged teeth, missing, decayed, or crooked teeth, gum disease, or TMJ disorders.
The following are some procedures that can help with this treatment:
If you have multiple restorative or cosmetic oral health issues that require different treatments to fix, you could be a candidate for full mouth reconstruction. Through full mouth reconstruction, we can repair broken teeth, treat cavities, restore your gum health, replace missing teeth, straighten crooked teeth, and more. The overall goal of this treatment is to restore the health, look, and function of your smile.
Upon completion of your treatment, you will have teeth that are attractive, functional, and healthy. You’ll have fewer dental problems, experience less pain, and be able to eat, speak, and smile confidently. Through full mouth reconstruction, we can restore your oral health for the present and prevent problems from occurring in the future to keep you smiling long-term.
Contact Dr. Jeff Bue and Dr. Julie Chang at Kennebec Dental Excellence at (207) 810-50888 to schedule a consultation for full mouth reconstruction.